Service Times
Wednesdays -TruthYouth @ 6:30pm
No other midweek services are on Wednesday except TruthYouth unless there is a lifegroup being held. This can be found under the ministries tab or our calendar.
Sundays - Service @ 9:30am
LifeGroups have launched! You can find them under the ministries tab! Go check them out.
- In between Dollar General and Chipley Bingo -
New Church App
New Church App
Download the Church Center App from the App Store or Google play. There you can add Truth Church and have access to the calendar, upcoming events, find and join LifeGroups, give, manage your profile, and more.
“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
-Matthew 6:21
To set up Text To Give. Text ANY amount you wish to give to “84321”
Click the link in the text and follow the instructions!