Pastor Andrew & Lilly King

Pastor Andrew & Lilly King

Meet the Pastors

•Why Truth Church?•

We chose Truth Church because we found ourselves in between a rock and a hard place. Our eyes were opened to the fact we were living the way the modern American church wanted us to live. From the man made rules, regulations, criticism, judgment and the lack of true love and compassion. We weren’t teaching 100% what Jesus intended us to be teaching the next generation. We chose Truth Church because it more closely resembles how Jesus’ ministry was here on earth, to love others first before anything else.


•What are your plans/hope for Truth Youth?•

Our plans and hopes for Truth youth would be to instill the life and love of Jesus inside our lives and the students lives. To raise up a generation of young believers who will not bow down to what is considered “normal Christianity,” but to rise up and believe in something greater than ourselves, a church building, or others opinions and to become the true family of Christ. No matter what mistakes are made, what hurt may come, whatever trials we face, we will grow towards the life that Jesus intended for us...our motto being, “Love First”. #TruthYouthFam✌🏼


•Pastors’ Bio•

We have been married for 6 years and have two children, Ansleigh and Isaac. Andrew works at Power South and Lilly works at FDOT. Andrew love to work outside, drink coffee, and learn new skills. Lilly loves to go to the park as a family, drink Pepsi, and loves the outdoors.



Truth Youth is a great mix of fun, games, worship and teaching. Students grades 6th-12th discover what it looks like to have a personal relationship with Jesus and how to live out their faith at home, and in school.

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